Processing of Personal Data Based on Consent (Security Policy)

At Golden Fleet Logistics, we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website users. When you visit our web pages, we collect the following data:

1. IP address
2. Hostname of the accessing computer
3. Website from which you accessed our website
4. A list of the sites you visited within our overall internet presence
5. The date and duration of your visit
6. Notification of whether the visit was successful
7. Volume of data transferred
8. Information about the identification data of the browser type and operating system used by you.

Temporary storage of this data is necessary during your visit to our website to allow the website to be delivered to you. Further storage in log files is performed to ensure the functionality of the website and the security of our IT systems. The legal basis for processing this data is Art. 6 (1) (f) of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Additional personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address is not collected unless you provide this data voluntarily. This may occur, for instance, when completing an online contact form, during registration, surveys, competitions, or information requests.

We delete data as soon as it is no longer needed for its intended purpose. For the provision of the website, this occurs when the session terminates. Log files (access logs) are kept for administrators to access directly for 24 hours. Afterward, they are only available indirectly through a restore from backup tapes and are permanently deleted after 30 days.

If you have enabled geo-localization functions in your browser or operating system, we may use this data to offer you location-based services, such as finding the nearest branch or packing station. The legal basis for geo-localization is your consent under Art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR by enabling the respective function. We will not use this data for any other purpose, and if you disable this function, your data will be deleted accordingly.

We value your privacy and are committed to ensuring the security of your data.
